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Reflection on Faith & Teaching


As a young man, I always felt connected to God through music and praising him. I knew from an early age that God created each of us and that we are all sinners. Everyday I know that I fall short of what God wants of me.  However, I receive the gift that God gave all humanity over two thousand years ago. Every generation throughout history has fallen short of God’s goodness and grace through our own human frailty.  In spite of our shortcomings, God sent his only son Jesus to earth. He could have sent him as a powerful ruler, governing with an iron fist.  But, instead, God sent Jesus in the form of a baby; the most vulnerable, helpless living being. Furthermore, He sent him to parents who were humble and poor.  As God made flesh, He walked, preached, healed and blessed us. To all people, righteous and sinners alike, He gave himself through death on the cross to carry our burdens.  Even though I don’t deserve it; Christ died for me, yes me!  I believe when Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for humanity it reconciled each person to God through relationship with Him and with His children. When Jesus left this world to be with His Father, we were given the Holy Spirit to guide us.  Through daily struggles, I feel God’s presence and Holy Spirit working through others and through me.  God has a plan for each of us.  His plan for me is to serve through the gift of teaching, singing, and loving His people. I know that my talents are not my own, but God’s. 


My journey as a teacher has been two decades of learning as I travel the path with my students. When I started out, I relied on myself and at times allowed my pride to get in the way. I know that God has slowly and at times painfully shaped me to be better and serve with humility. Sometimes the lessons were subtle and sometimes they were more painful to produce growth in me. I have come to understand and believe that wisdom comes from reliance on God, trusting in the knowledge that has been shared and instilled in me by the great teaching I have received, seeing one’s failures and seeking to grow from them, and teaching and leading from a place of honesty, integrity, and transparency. When I don’t have an answer to a question I quickly admit it and work with a student to research, ask colleagues, experiment (trial and error) and am open to trying new things. Many times the answer presents itself.


Knowing that I am a redeemed child of a creative and loving God, I strive each day to see the blessing that each student is and to walk alongside them allowing God to work through me. I know that I fall. I know that I fail. When I come up short I am not afraid to be transparent by acknowledging it and seeking to learn with my students. Our life as teachers is one of life-long learning. It is impossible to know everything and therefore I know it is my charge to follow Colossians 3:16 “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns and songs of the spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” As I teach I know that I am weak, human, and in need of God. I pray each morning for the Lord to use me as a vessel. I work to learn from my failures and to make changes. As I reflect on my teaching, I will share in more depth how I seek to constantly revamp my courses and my teaching.

As I teach voice as an artist of faith I strive to help students see that they are divinely created in God's image. As they work to utilize breath I am intentional in helping them understand that through breath they connect to God. I will use the breath prayer for example. I will have a student slowly inhale on "Yah" and slowly exhale on "Weh." Through breathing in the very name of God and exhaling slowly I have seen students experience a much deeper connection to the spiritual nature of the instrument as God-breathed. I also lean into breath work as God's healing hand when there are vocal injuries, mental struggles, anxiety, and fear. I have found that so many of our students are still struggling to find balance and stability coming out of the pandemic. When they use the breath prayer and or breathing exercises to steady their singing, they are also resting and finding reliance on God. The instruments we each have been given are God designed and we, as artist of faith, can lean into the Lord to guide His masterful creation. I have used breath very recently with a student who was not able to catch their breath or ground in the room. Their world felt out of control, their future uncertain, and questions about why they are here and what their purpose was on this earth were brought to the surface. Through breath work we were able to find peace, grounding, and rest through centering into God's gift of life, breath, and provision. I am happy to say that this student uses the breathing exercises often for singing and for their personal walk with anxiety. As a result through finding that deep God-created well this student is singing better than they ever have. I have worked to convey this to all my students. 


There have also been many circumstances where I have been tasked with guiding my students to utilize their faith to navigate the challenges of the professional world. I had a student who was contracted to perform a equity eligible theatre this summer. She was cast in a show that was very dark and full of themes that she struggled greatly with to perform the heightened role. We spent time and prayer to focus on the how this could be an opportunity to bring light into the dark places that are often seen in the theatre profession. I had the opportunity to see this performance, and although the material was very controversial, my student displayed a sensitivity in an otherwise broken character. The pandemic has also brought many students to a place of mental struggle with who they are, and how they function day to day. Because of this I have worked very intentionally with these students in order to help them heal, grow, and lean into their faith walk. 

In 2016 after my mom’s passing I was called to begin writing the devotional, Let Your Song Spring Up! The Cross, The Vines, and the Branches. God answers the prayers of HIS children. God works through the messes in our lives to use them to teach us and strengthen us for service. I share the first half of this devotional below as a testimony to my students and to all who read it that God is full of goodness, grace, and love for HIS children. I continue to try each day to live into the fullness of what God has done for me and how He might use me. Some days I am successful and some days I fail. I realize that I will continue to try to lean into God’s grace and plan for my life. It is my hope that when my students read these words that they will know that God loves them, walks with them, and equips them to be His hands and feet. Through the journey of writing this devotional I pray that they will see my personal journey and come to know the constancy and provision that God provides His children as they seek His face. 

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Professor of ACU Theatre

Director of Musical Theatre

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